This is a site about the books and other writing by James Rodgers, author of Assignment Moscow: Reporting on Russia From Lenin to Putin (new edition 2023; first published July 2020); Headlines from the Holy Land (2015 and 2017); No Road Home: Fighting for Land and Faith in Gaza (2013); Reporting Conflict (2012). My work looks at how stories of international affairs, especially armed conflict, are told to the world.


I am an author and journalist. During two decades of covering international news, I reported on the end of the Soviet Union; the wars in Chechnya; the coming to power of Vladimir Putin; 9/11; the Israeli-Palestinian conflict; the 2003 war in Iraq; Russia’s war with Georgia in 2008. I completed correspondent postings for the BBC in Moscow, Brussels, and Gaza. I now teach in the Journalism Department at City St George’s, University of London.

Tag: Assignment Moscow

Reporting on The Putsch to Save Soviet Power: Moscow, August 19, 1991

To mark the anniversary of the attempted coup in Moscow on August 19, 1991, I am sharing an extract from Assignment Moscow: Reporting on Russia from Lenin to Putin that covers those days that decided the fate of the dying Soviet Union. DECLARING THAT GORBACHEV had resigned for health...

Special Derby Book Festival Event, with Clive Myrie

ON JULY 29th I will be in conversation with my former BBC colleague Clive Myrie at the Derby Theatre, a special event organized by the Derby book festival. We will be discussing his book Everything is Everything, and my own work in, and writing on, Russia–including Assignment Moscow: Reporting...

Russia and Ukraine: 12 months in the media war

THE MEDIA WAR THAT HAS ACCOMPANIED RUSSIA’S INVASION OF UKRAINE has shown how important a part of 21st century conflict journalism is, and also demonstrated the power authoritarian regimes possess to restrict reporting–even in the age of smartphones and social media. In a move that echoed the draconian censorship...

Assignment Moscow: ‘History Today’ podcast

I spoke recently to Paul Lay, Editor of History Today, for an episode of the magazine’s podcast. You can listen to the podcast on Spotify or Apple Podcasts from the links below, and you can read History Today‘s review of Assignment Moscow here. You can buy the book direct...

Assignment Moscow: Upcoming Events

I have two upcoming talks on my new book, Assignment Moscow: Reporting on Russia From Lenin to Putin. Both will be taking place on Zoom. Please book a place and join the discussion! The first is organized by Pushkin House on Tuesday 27th October at 1800 GMT. Details here....

Assignment Moscow at the Chiswick Book Festival 2020

The Chiswick Book festival 2020 took place almost entirely online–although I was one of the lucky local west London authors who was able to record a promo for their work in the Chiswick Playhouse (it was great to be in a theatre, however briefly). You can watch the video...

Assignment Moscow: latest media coverage

This week I spoke to Andrew Mueller on Monocle 24 about the ideas in Assignment Moscow: Reporting on Russian from Lenin to Putin . You can listen to the interview here https://monocle.com/radio/shows/the-briefing/2302/reporting-russia/ and you can read a review of the book by Ellie Holbrook in the current issue of...

Assignment Moscow: Russia’s Story From Lenin To Putin

I outlined some of my ideas from Assignment Moscow: Reporting on Russia from Lenin to Putin in a recent piece for The Conversation. I am republishing it here. WHAT A CONTRAST IT WAS. In early May 2000, Vladimir Putin strode through the Kremlin’s gilded corridors, his progress relayed on...