This is a site about the books and other writing by James Rodgers, author of Assignment Moscow: Reporting on Russia From Lenin to Putin (new edition 2023; first published July 2020); Headlines from the Holy Land (2015 and 2017); No Road Home: Fighting for Land and Faith in Gaza (2013); Reporting Conflict (2012). My work looks at how stories of international affairs, especially armed conflict, are told to the world.


I am an author and journalist. During two decades of covering international news, I reported on the end of the Soviet Union; the wars in Chechnya; the coming to power of Vladimir Putin; 9/11; the Israeli-Palestinian conflict; the 2003 war in Iraq; Russia’s war with Georgia in 2008. I completed correspondent postings for the BBC in Moscow, Brussels, and Gaza. I now teach in the Journalism Department at City St George’s, University of London.

Tag: Russia


THE NEW EDITION of my most recent book, Assignment Moscow: Reporting on Russia from Lenin to Putin will be published in May next year. It is updated with new material on the Russian invasion of Ukraine. That new material includes interviews with some of the journalists who felt forced...

New Edition of ‘Assignment Moscow’ out in 2023

RUSSIA’S ATTACK ON UKRAINE in February this year focused international attention on the Kremlin’s imperial ambitions in a way unseen since the collapse of the Soviet Union. At the same time, Russia introduced new legislation making normal journalism all but impossible. To call a ‘war’ by its real name–instead...

Journalism, History, and a farewell to a new generation

MY FIRST INTERNATIONAL ASSIGNMENT was in a past century, to a place that no longer exists. This week, I have been thinking a lot about that–for the story I covered then dominates Europe as it has not done since, and, on Friday 10th June, was the reason a president...

Russia and Ukraine: War And Media

This latest post is the text of an article I contributed to a special issue of Baltic Rim Economies on Ukraine and Crimea. You can access the whole issue here. It was written in the first days of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, and first published on 28 April...

Assignment Moscow: update March 2022

‘THE STORY OF Western correspondents in Russia is the story of Russia’s attitude to the West.’ So opens the final chapter of my book, Assignment Moscow: Reporting on Russia from Lenin to Putin . This worst of times for Russia’s relations with the West has also become the worst...

Disinformation: born in the last century, thriving in this one

‘Dezinformatsiya’—meaning ‘disinformation’ in Russian—is a 20th century word that symbolizes perfectly the communications field between the Moscow elite and the West in the 21st century. During the current confrontation over Ukraine—and the different portrayals of that crisis in press and public opinion in the West and Russia—that field has...